Google Desktop Computer Wakes and Acer 24 inch | List Tech Google Desktop Computer Wakes and Acer 24 inch - List Tech

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Google Desktop Computer Wakes and Acer 24 inch

MOUNTAIN VIEW – Google along with Acer desktop computers make work together called Chromebase. This computer is intentionally designed specifically for video conference devices.

Previously, Google has been producing Desktop Chromebase created LG. However special series, Chromebase produced only for the purposes of video conference and is intended for companies with the number of employees which is not much.

Chromebase series has span 24 inch screen with 1,080 p reselusi and already featuring touch screen technology. For the purposes of video conferencing for yourself, the computer is embedded camera, four microphone and two stereo speakers.

This computer is a product of both Google's cooperation with Acer. In 2014, Chromebox was released as a video conference which is aimed at large companies.

Google says, the Chromebase party will start is available in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia. Such as quoted from The Verge.

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