Dinosaurs Older than the rings of Saturn | List Tech Dinosaurs Older than the rings of Saturn - List Tech

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Dinosaurs Older than the rings of Saturn

PARIS - Saturn known for his ring. New facts mentioned that ring system had not been present when the dinosaur era begins on Earth.

Ring owned Saturn possibility still recent. New Saturn Moons formed of roughly 100 million last year, more than 130 years after the resurrection of the dinosaurs on Earth.

Since the 17th century, astronomers have tried all means to find the age of the satellites of Saturn. The most prominent idea of which States that the Moon formed satellite system at the same time with other solar system, at least 4.5 billion years ago.

In 2012, the French astronomer shows that Saturn's moon out of its orbit. This is because the force between planets and satellites that cause hot gases in the planet.

"The Moon is always changing its orbit. It was inevitable, but this fact allows us to use computer simulations to see history of Saturn's moon. To do that, we found that they were most likely born during the latest two percent in the history of the planet, "said Matija Cuk of SETI Institute offered from Tech Times.

Dozens of satellites known orbit around the giant planet, and each seems to spiral away from Saturn at different levels. When they travel away from the second largest planet in the solar system, they often influence the way each other through the force of gravity.

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