Why the clock Spun to the right?
Jakarta – Have you ever wondered why the clock spun to the right? Why is he turning against the direction of the Earth and the Moon?
First of all, the Earth and the moon rotates counterclockwise to the left when viewed from a certain point of view: above the North Pole. If you look at them from the South Pole, they are turning to the right.
The reason the clock spun to the right relating to the Sundial, the first built in the world. In the northern hemisphere, the earth rotates to the left, meaning that from our point of view the Sun appear to move across the sky to the right.
Therefore, if you build a sundial to know the time, the shadow will move to the right. With a mechanical clock, you can certainly make them run in a way that is better, but the earliest clock has been designed for the shadow on a sundial. So summarized from Curious Astro Cornell.
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