This is the six characteristics of the concept of the Smart City
BANDUNG - Smart City is not only related to the development of the city technically. But in it there must be a human values and culture. So that the city will have the character that distinguish it with other cities.
During this, appears worries, title smart city only seasonal label. Even still there are assumptions smart city with cyber city where the use of technology is dominant.
"Smart city is made in accordance with the needs of the towns to serve citizens more efficiently," said the Head of Study Program planning of the region and the city of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Ridwan Sutriadi. He come as in the activities of the forum discussion group on smart city who held the Pasundan university cooperation and General Daily Pikiran Rakyat in the hall of "homework" Way Asia Africa, Monday 28 March 2016.
According to Ridwan, there are six characteristics of a city are categorized as smart city. The characteristic among others community bonds with landscapes, increased networking with the community and accommodate minorities. Other characteristics, improve economic competitiveness, a leadership role model, and honors the history and culture.
But the concern, said Ridwan, technology made the size of the smart city. Even though the 'smart' it must be started from the citizens. After reached the concept of community maturity, smart city is just an expansion of the concept of access with the support of technology.
"The concept is misleading the presence of technology space planning is often found," said Ridwan.
Therefore, before build smart city, Ridwan said the need for a review of the needs of the city itself. It also didasaarkan needs on the local wisdom so that there will be no similarity culture.
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