Three Planets Similar To The Earth Potentially Habitable | List Tech Three Planets Similar To The Earth Potentially Habitable - List Tech

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Three Planets Similar To The Earth Potentially Habitable

Three Planets Similar To The Earth Potentially Habitable

Washington-NASA astronomers have just announced his findings, i.e. three new candidate planets with the potential to support life. The distance of the planets about 40 light years away and is located in the constellation Aquarius.

As for the distance of the planets it is only 40 light-years away, in the constellation Aquarius.

The third planet orbiting the so-called dwarf stars and incorporates approximately 120 degrees celsius, which is considered cold enough to support life.

The reason why it took so long to find planets nearby dwarf star, because it is not visible by optical telescopes.

Explained that this planet resembles Earth in terms of size. Two among three of the planet is estimated to be orbiting the star every 1.5 and 2.4 today.

Researchers acknowledge that one third of the planet's orbtinya it is difficult to track. NASA says this planet's orbit, probably between 4.5 up to 73 days.

The third planet is not included in the category of the Livable zones to their orbit. The third reason is that planet could be too close to the star in its orbit.

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