Google Project Soli Can Detect Human Movement | List Tech Google Project Soli Can Detect Human Movement - List Tech

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Google Project Soli Can Detect Human Movement

CALIFORNIA-Google Project Soli is one technology that was introduced at last year's developer conference. Since that time, little information was revealed about the technology.

Reported by Businessinsider, Project specific radar sensor using Soli which are cultivated on a tiny chip. Radar sensors that can detect a person's physical movements.

Technology that reportedly can be used to allow someone change the volume on a radio without having to touch the button.

The latest, a posting-an work allows Google to find architect software to the development efforts of Soli. This technology can be expected to attract attention and beneficial for commercial partners.

Internet giant company is reported to be working hard to bring real-world applications and manufacture device based Soli.

Posting-an job seeker mentioned, Google would like to recruit a software architect would control and integrate Android service Wear or Google services with the technology of Soli.

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