Three Earth-sized Planet in the constellation of Aquarius | List Tech Three Earth-sized Planet in the constellation of Aquarius - List Tech

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Three Earth-sized Planet in the constellation of Aquarius

Three Earth-sized Planet in the constellation of Aquarius

CALIFORNIA researchers found three planets orbiting a dwarf star to experience lower than the Sun. Three of the planet in the constellation of Aquarius.

Reported by Engadget, a number of telescopes including the TRAPPIST in La Silla Observatory in Chile used to monitor three Earth-sized planets. Diorbit the third planet called TRAPPIST-1.

Explained that this planet resembles Earth in terms of size. Two among three of the planet is estimated to be orbiting the star every 1.5 and 2.4 today.

Researchers acknowledge that one third of the planet's orbtinya it is difficult to track. NASA says this planet's orbit, probably between 4.5 up to 73 days.

The third planet is not included in the category of the Livable zones to their orbit. The third reason is that planet could be too close to the star diorbitnya.

Even so, two of the three planets that may be habitable areas, while a star orbits can be traced to the difficult possibility of uninhabitable because of exposure to radiation is lower star.

On May 4, 2016, astronomers will be able to see TRAPPIST-1. They will measure the two planets of Star transits in front of the events by using the Hubble space telescope. Researchers will analyze the atmosphere and see if there is water vapor that appears.

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