Microsoft HoloLens Bring You Explore Mars | List Tech Microsoft HoloLens Bring You Explore Mars - List Tech

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Microsoft HoloLens Bring You Explore Mars

CALIFORNIA - Microsoft leverages Microsoft, artificial VR devices HoloLens, to give the experience a simulation of exploration on Mars. United States space agency that reportedly gives the opportunity to the public to experience cruising Mars via HoloLens at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Florida.

Reported by Ubergizmo, so far, NASA is planning to recruit an Astronaut Buzz Aldrin to act as a holographic tour guides. Aldrin also will be helped by the driver of a rover on Mars Curiosity, Erisa Hines.

A video has also been uploaded on YouTube that shows NASA'S collaboration with Microsoft. They created a virtual world, exploring Mars using virtual reality headsets.

Although HoloLens hailed, but some time later this device the headset Microsoft it overheat issues on the other. In an interview, game developer David Dedeine mentions HoloLens may give rise to feeling uncomfortable when worn for too long.

This is because, the processor uses HoloLens will heat when used continuously. The case is similar to the temperature of a hot laptop when used for too long.

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