This Year's BlackBerry Launches BB Hamburg & Rome? | List Tech This Year's BlackBerry Launches BB Hamburg & Rome? - List Tech

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This Year's BlackBerry Launches BB Hamburg & Rome?

WATERLOO - Rumored to be mensetop phone sales, but the latest news mentions the BlackBerry will launch the latest handsets are more powerful this year, although the company still kept secret when the phone will be launched.

According to the report, one of the BBCzech website that focuses on information about BlackBerry stated, there are two BlackBerry smartphones Android will be released in 2016.

However, this rumor does not necessarily claim to have specific information. It was reported that both the BlackBerry smartphone Android coming to new was given with the code "Hamburg" and "Roma".

In case of differences, the BB Roma said more high end and adopt the approach to the previous device i.e. BlackBerry Serverach. Comes with both touchscreen and hardware keyboard capable of plundering are included.

Instead, W Hamburg is said to be more than mid-range devices and certainly do not have the iconic BlackBerry keyboard, but comes with a touch screen (touch). As reported by from Android Headlines.

Unfortunately, there are still many details that have not been released and made public curiosity. With the exception of that of Hamburg are said to arrive in autumn 2016 and Rome at the end of the year 2016 before closing.

Post :(T/O)

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