Drone technology used to Supervise Exams
Beijing - Chinese Community have a unique way to anticipate the occurrence of cheating time of the test. In organizing his college entrance exams for national level in China (Gaokao), the Government used a drone to monitor the impersonator.
Exam venue puts out a drone named "drone anti-cheating". The exam itself lasts for two days and was followed by 10 million students throughout China.
In the previous Gakao exam, students are often committing fraud to obtain satisfactory value. The cheating was said to be no longer shaped conservative such as leering, see notes and more.
Along with the development of technology, how cheating is done by the students also experienced the development by utilizing advanced technology equipment. Like sunglasses with built in camera, a tool in ear receiver, as well as clothes can hide a cell phone or radio transmitter.
The top of the runway that, organizers test using a drone that can be controlled with tablets. The tool is also not a drone, but the sembaran has been specially designed in order to be able to fly at an altitude of 1.640 and able to scan radio signals to a distance of 310 miles.
Armed with that ability, the supervisor will be able to detect frauds, ranging from the most simple to the most sophisticated, such as using a radio signal receiver and earphone (ear receiver).
Technically described, when the drone detects cheating using a radio transmitter, then unmanned aircraft that will send data to the tablet through the application.
Then the supervisor will direct the drone to fly approaches the detected source. If the pencontek is caught, as his reward, he will be disqualified from the exam and can take the test again in the next three years. Such as quoted on Mashable, Saturday (6/6/2015).
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