Google Celebrates April Fools ' day with a Video Satire | List Tech Google Celebrates April Fools ' day with a Video Satire - List Tech

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Google Celebrates April Fools ' day with a Video Satire

MOUNTAIN VIEW - Some of these days, the technology world shocked by the presence of two glasses VR (virtual reality) Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. But Google is addressing this with a very different way.

Google does indeed have a tradition of celebrating "Fools Day" or April Fools ' day by uploading video entertainment on their newest product, where these products are fake and do not actually produced.

In this time, Google made a video about "Google Cardboard Plastic." In a written product description "VR headset first actual in the world". This product is indeed just an ordinary pair of glasses, but Google makes it really futuristic.

This video really convince consumers. In this video the Narrator mentions that this product can display the picture angle 360 degrees with 4 d and realistic touch sensation.

Google seems to want to satirize the consumer who Bewitched with the sophistication of the VR. Whereas, despite promising a real experience, it's not really real.

"Virtual Reality has led us to amazing places, such as the seabed and the surface of Mars. But the VR goggles are not really able to see the real life kkita. Plastic Cardboard Google bring you see real life, "explains Google. So was quoted as saying The verge.

Post : (T/O)

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